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Curating the most interesting, innovative and creative individuals in hospitality- creating singular and unforgettable experiences



Private Dinners

Assembling the team in countless combinations, creating a restaurant at your own home – great food, wine and cocktails, impeccable design and music. Ever changing, wide range menus of the best chefs, tailor made to your wants and desires, with attention to the smallest details. No dinner is the same, every wild dream can come true. 

Culinary consultancy

We’re passionate about transforming ideas into reality- with innovative concepts, menus, kitchen planning, finance and design. We write a culinary story which perfectly reflects your thoughts, wishes and dreams. Then, we bring it to life with an ILU spark

Events, workshops and lectures

The ultimate treat for you team; at the office or off-site, A chance to meet the best chefs from Tel Aviv’s favourite restaurants. Team dinners, workshops and intimate wine tasting programs. Food, wine, coffee and hospitality talks and lectures. 

Private Concierge

We know how and where to get the best stuff: all the good local restaurant owners, farmers, pottery artists, distillers, wineries and importers. Our Private Concierge service is all about taking care of everything culinary in your daily life and making it high end.

ILU BIRDS Culture events

This is where we fulfil all our fantasies- open the doors to our thoughts and personal creations. 

We make our wildest dreams come true, then Invite curious guests to irregular,
once-in-a-lifetime experiences.


See our upcoming events

Join the team

Always looking for new, talented and inspiring people to join us

If food and hospitality is your passion, let’s meet for a coffee!

Talk To Us

We constantly change and develop- Join our newsletter for ILU BIRDS events, updates and offers

or reach out at contact@iluiluilu.com

All rights reserved to ILU 2023